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contoh kalimat fly into

"fly into" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • "Where are you looking for, flying into the sky?"
    Di mana Anda cari terbang ke langit?
  • No, Soren, you can't fly into fire.
    Tidak, Soren, kau tidak bisa terbang ke dalam api.
  • They all flew into Khartoum on the same flight two days ago.
    MerekasemuaterbangkeKhartoumpada penerbanganyangsamadua harilalu .
  • We're about to fly into a Category 5 hurricane!
    Kita akan terbang menuju badai tipe 5.
  • Did your general ever fly into battle with you?
    Jenderalmu pernah ikut terbang ke medan perang?
  • "Really?" - How dare the bastard flew into the frame!
    Serahkan saja pada si gundul itu
  • [ French ] The street came flying into the room!
    [Perancis] Jalan datang terbang ke dalam ruangan!
  • The minutes flew into hours, the hours into days.
    di menit terbang ke jam, jam ke hari.
  • The pigeon we're looking for flew into that building.
    Informasi mengatakan, Merpati itu terbang diatas gedung itu
  • He even flew into the center of Hurricane Charley.
    Dia bahkan pernah terbang Ke Pusat Badai Charley.
  • Astronaut Brian Anderson, with his father flew into space.
    Astronot Brian Anderson, bersama ayahnya terbang ke angkasa.
  • So where do you guys fly into down there?
    Jadi kalian harus mendarat di mana?
  • You don't know what you're flying into.
    kau tidak tahu apa yang akan kau hadapi.
  • So I can watch the planes fly into mccarran.
    Jadi aku bisa menonton pesawat terbang ke McCarran.
  • When I have wings I'll fly into the sun
    Ketikaakupunyasayap Aku akan terbang ke matahari
  • You flew into a rage and killed them.
    Ini lebih buruk dari yang kau sangka."
  • I forbid you to fly into the Dark Forest!
    Aku melarangmu terbang ke Dark Forest!
  • She flew into Portland four days ago.
    Dia terbang ke Portland empat hari yang lalu.
  • Flown into the mountain of gods, into my heart.
    Terbang ke atas pengunungan dewa, ke dalam hatiku.
  • And now I'm taking it away. Crandall is flying into a trap.
    Crandall akan terbang ke perangkap.
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